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Tax reporting is becoming increasingly complex over the years, and accordingly, our office offers professional, comprehensive, and personalized guidance primarily focused on protecting you. Whether you need tax advice, filing a tax refund, or dealing with unclear forms requested by the tax authority, we are here to simplify the process for you. We ensure that everything is submitted correctly in compliance with the law, while also safeguarding your personal interests.

Services for Individuals

Submitting tax refund requests, including guidance and thorough checks to ensure you receive the tax refund you are entitled to.

Tax consulting services for individuals in the relocation process, with an emphasis on tax residency, relocation consulting and exit tax, and personalized tax solutions, to ensure peace of mind during this important transition.

Supporting new immigrants and veteran returning residents, while fully utilizing the tax benefits they are entitled to, in order to ease their transition and ensure solid financial planning for their new future in the country.

Accounting and taxation of digital currencies (crypto), and personalized advice for your crypto investments, to simplify the complexity and ensure compliance and efficient management of your transactions.

Professional assistance for salaried employees with high incomes in preparing and submitting annual reports to the tax authorities.

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